Welcome to Paloh Tamil School's site. Vanakkam.

 Paloh Tamil school is located in a small village town called  Paloh. Paloh is a small town in Kluang district,Johor,Malaysia. The school started to operate in year 1943. The school was established to provide basic education for children of the rubber estate workers. Majority of them had Tamil language as their mother tongue. The school was established in the year 1943 with 35 pupils and 2 untrained teachers in a small wooden building with very limited facilities. As the years passes,  the aid of local goverment and the non-goverment bodies, the school starts to get its needs. Now the school if fully equiped and catering the educational needs for  204 indian students with 22 well trained teachers. This school is proud that it had been a backbone to many successful icons in Malaysia. Even though the school gets  help from various sources, there are still needs to be filled to become a successful educational institution. To achive this goal, we the indian community must stand together and support our precious Tamil Schools.

For further informations about Paloh Tamil School browse through the pages. 

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